Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Greetings Comrades!

Welcome to doll-making for the demented, deranged, and deeply disturbed! This is me in my favorite chair with my favorite hand-made pillow. Yes, I like to make pillows, but I also make dolls.

Why make dolls?
you may ask.

Why not?!!! I scream like a shrill, manic, sleep-deprived gnome.

Making dolls is pretty much cake, and sooo-per fun. You can make a doll out of ANYTHING: intravenous needles, dead insects, your boyfriend's social-security card, pubic hair, you name it. You needn't have talent, art supplies, electricity, or even a clear police record. Demented dolls are for everyone! They are The Dolls of the People if you will. Viva la Revolucion!

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