Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hangover Harriet #2

I could give detailed assembly instructions, but why bother? I never fucking read instructions. I find them overrated. So here's the quick and dirty lowdown:

beer bottle= body
cigarette pack= head
bottle caps= eyes
"silver lining"= hair
toilet paper= skirt
floss= sash
used matchbox: rip to form arms
sharpie= crazy manic pupils
fabric glue= sticks shit together nicely

Note: One can only construct this doll properly when inebriated, and only appreciate properly when hungover.

Once I wake up and answer all of the important questions like: "What's my name?", "Why is my shirt on backwards?", "Who smoked all my cigarettes?", "What did Marx really mean by dictatorship of the proletariat?", "Is Snuffleupagus really real?" I find that Hangover Harriet
is a great comfort to me when I finally I come to my senses, decide to take an Advil and go back to sleep.

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