Saturday, May 31, 2008

smelly sock voodoo doll

Next time your good for nothing boyfriend tells you he "needs some space" make sure you snag one of his dirty socks before he heads for the door. If you're feeling particularly vindictive you can fill the sock with any paper or cloth-based relationship souvenirs you might have lying around: ticket stubs, napkins, the insides of the stupid stuffed rabbit he gave you for Valentine's Day, his passport, etc. It's also fun to try and steal his shoelaces before he leaves. Not only can you use them to tie off the doll's extremities, he'll have fun trying to make his way over to his new girlfriend's house without his shoelaces. I also find it cathartic to set up my new smelly-sock-ex-boyfriend-voodoo-doll with a tiny little plastic slut, like "crack-ho barbie" here.

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