Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hangover Harriet #1

While making dolls in captivity is wicked fuckin' hella awesome, sometimes the only inspiration one needs is a couple drinks....or 6...or 9. Add to that the discarded remnants of a party recently evacuated, because some unnamed hostess refused to stop playing Social Distortion's cover of "Pretty in Pink" over and over again, and you've got yourself a recipe for a Hangover Harriet doll.

You will need:
  • 1 at least mostly empty beer bottle (If it's got a sip or two left in it, don't sweat it - this will just add a distinctive stale hoppy flavor to your doll)
  • 1 empty cigarette pack (note: separate silver lining. You will need this later. No double entendre intended)
  • 2 beer bottle caps
  • about six plies of toilet paper and six inches of dental floss ( You will recall these materials from our previous bathroom shenanigans)
  • One used matchbook
  • A sharpie
  • Fabric glue
(Just make a habit of keeping fabric glue and sharpies around at all times. They are the impromptu demented doll-makers' best friends. Learn it. Live it. Love it.)

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