Saturday, May 31, 2008

How to make a doll noose

Sometimes you don't actually feel like making a doll, you just want to hang them. In this case, knowing how to tie a noose comes in really handy.

You will need:

  • 1 doll who has recently pissed you off
  • 1 length of cord, plain white twine, or discarded shoelace
  • The ability to follow complicated knot-tying instructions. I've provided a link here for how to tie a noose, however you will need to adjust measurements to doll-size.

Note- If you can't figure out how to do it, you can always grab your twine, run outside and ask the first man you see in your sweetest voice if he can help tie a noose for you. Men love to help women with stuff like this. It makes them feel useful and powerful.

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